what we do
The ACDA Accountability Table advances priority policy issues to the DA’s office to disrupt and end pipelines of mass incarceration. In addition, we serve as a public watchdog of the Alameda County DA’s office and challenge them to bring home members of our communities by implementing state reforms and leveraging their institutional power.
our mission
The ACDA Accountability Table advances community-centered public safety solutions that address root causes of violence.
We push for decriminalization, decarceration, transparency, and accountability. We uplift, prioritize, and cultivate the leadership of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people impacted by the criminal legal system.

our coalition
Our coalition grew from a working group of the Justice Reinvestment Coalition (JRC) in 2018. Our Core Organizations include: Urban Peace Movement, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ), Ella Baker Center, Oakland Rising, Berkeley Law Policy Advocacy Clinic (PAC), Anti-Police Terror Project, Alameda County Participatory Defense HUB, Justice Reinvestment Coalition, East Bay Community Law Center, ACLU NorCal, and Color of Change.